We are comprised of Jewish and non-Jewish worshippers of Yeshua HaMashiach – Jesus the Messiah. Our name means “the Love of Jesus,” reflecting both our love for Him, and His eternal love for those who accept Him into their hearts as Lord.
“To as many as did receive him, to those who put their trust in his person and power, he gave the right to become children of God.”
(Yochanan [John] 1:11, the Complete Jewish Bible)
We delight in welcoming visitors to our Friday night Shabbat services. When you are with us, you are always mishpochah – family!! Come as you are, whether Jewish or non-Jewish, casual or formal. We promise a wonderful time of worship, solid Biblical teaching, and friendship! Most of all, we pray that you will find yourself in a closer relationship with Avinu Malkenu, our Father, our King.
At Ahavat Yeshua, we:
- Seek to honor Messiah in all we do
- Provide a context for worship that celebrates and expresses Jewish heritage
- Observe the cycle of holy days and feasts established by G-d in Scripture
- Intercede in prayer for the peace and protection of Israel (understanding that peace will come ultimately only through knowledge of the Prince of Peace,Yeshua HaMashiach, Sar Shalom)
- Maintain vigilance against anti-Semitism in whatever form it expresses itself, be it hatred, arrogance, ignorance or apathy.
- Sound a shofar (trumpet) of warning concerning the worsening conditions of the world, and the soon return of Mashiach!
Help to educate the greater Body of Messiah about G-d’s unceasing love and faithfulness toward His people, Israel.
Ahavat Yeshua offers many opportunities for spiritual enrichment, community outreach and fellowship:
- Friday night Erev Shabbat services, with candle blessing; Hebrew liturgy (always translated into English); worship music and dance; corporate prayer; and Scripture-centered teachings. Coffee, food and fellowship follow the service.
- Torah services: traditional service in which God is praised and honored for His eternal, life-giving Word. The Torah scroll is processed, then unrolled and part of the week’s Torah portion is read, accompanied by traditional Hebrew blessings.
- Messiah’s Yizkor: a Messianic service of Communion, in which Yeshua’s atoning sacrifice on our behalf is honored with unleavened bread and wine (matzoh and grape juice)
- Wednesday night prayer and Bible study: we bring our praises and concerns to the Lord, interceding for believers around the world and for the protection of Israel. Then we are led in a deep study of Scripture.
- Messianic dance practice: Beginning instruction in traditional Israeli-style and Messianic worship dance is offered every Wednesday night, 6 p.m. Ahavat Yeshua’s dance troupe, Avodah Brikude, performs at events throughout the year and is available for workshops or presentations by arrangement.
- Sisterhood: All women are invited to join the “sisters” of Ahavat Yeshua on the second Saturday of each month for an afternoon tea-style pitch-in and Bible study.
- Monthly pitch-in: Join us on the fourth Saturday of every month at 5:30 for a great time of food and fellowship. Bring a Biblically-kosher (no pork or shellfish) dish to share – or just a bag of chips, or plate of veggies, or…. But most of all, bring yourself and get to know your AY mishpochah!
- Holy Days and festivals: Join us throughout the year for observance of the Moedim, the cycle of feasts, most of which were established in Torah to be commemorated throughout all generations!
Come be a part of all we do – and all we are – in Messiah’s love. Shalom in Yeshua!